An ad agency can truly save you time and money while taking your business higher and higher.
Put Weiss Media Group’s Expertise to Work for You!
When you have WMG on the job, you can focus on what you do best. Breathe easier knowing you’ve also got one of the best handling advertising for you, too! It’s kind of crazy when you think about it. You get your very own award-winning marketing department (standard agency
services and representation) for a monthly investment well under one part-time minimum wage employee!
If you plan on buying media yourself, be prepared for a laundry list of to-dos. Here are just a few of the day to day tasks media buyers handle every day:
- Integrating data from multiple platforms to properly plan
- The ongoing time needed to establish relationships with platforms and vendors
- Negotiating and activating media buys
- Mastering the art of scheduling impressions to hit sweet spot without over- spending
- Reconciling invoices
- Measuring media effectiveness
- Ongoing education of keeping up with digital offerings and platforms
These are just some of the important tasks that take TIME to learn and perform proficiently, and if you’re running a business, you know all too well that there’s NEVER ENOUGH TIME. When you have WMG working with you, you can do what you do best and you can breathe easy knowing we will, too! You get your very own marketing department (basic agency services and representation) for a monthly investment well under one part-time minimum wage employee!

Weiss Media Group Gets Results
WMG understands how to plan and negotiate media with proven media strategies for optimizing current campaigns or effectively building up new clients to market. The small investment associated with hiring us is offset by a realized savings associated with getting the media strategy right the first time.
WMG has long-standing relationships with different media vendors throughout the West. We will work this to your advantage. Even in regions we haven’t placed media, we go in with respected experience and prestige.

WMG Plans & Buys Media Across ALL Video Formats
Our TV campaigns are so effective our clients can distinctly tell by traffic flow the weeks their ads are airing versus the weeks their TV campaign is dark.
WMG has garnered many national awards.

WMG has crafted hundreds of radio ads that have resulted in great success for Our Clients.
WMG has won over a dozen national awards for Our Radio Campaigns.
We know radio!

WMG will define your audience using state-of-the-art digital resources and apps. We then target your most valuable digital audiences across Social Media, Programmatic Video and Display, Audio Streaming and CTV devices – executing a reach that will best serve your brand and your goals.

Our campaigns cut through the clutter!
We don’t need millions of dollars to produce effective ads.
WMG’s Creative is Memorable! We specialize in creating commercials that are hard to forget. We’re known for creating positioning statements and slogans so memorable your customers will recite them back to you. Of course, effective frequency of your ad(s) makes our approach foolproof.